Cyclamen mini Super Serie Djix F1
Super Serie Djix is known for its unique flower shape with downward facing petals. It can positively impact the profitability for growers and retailers. It deserves a special place and price in the shops. The shelf life is excellent, and it is best for autumn cultivation.
- Unique flower shape with downward facing petals
- Excellent shelf life because it continues to develop new buds
- Heat tolerant
- Eyecatcher
Product specifications

Cold climate

Warm climate
Potsize Ø
10,5 - 12cm
4 - 4,5" inch
10,5 - 12cm
4 - 4,5" inch
Per m2 / Per Sq ft.
20 - 32 m2
2 - 3 sq ft.
18 - 25 m2
1,75 - 2,5 sq ft.
Sowing till flowering
25 - 26 weeks
25 - 27 weeks
Best for cultivation
Available colours
Cyclamen Super Serie Djix F1*


Wine Red

Salmon with Eye

Red | Cyclamen mini Super Serie Djix F1

Wine Red | Cyclamen mini Super Serie Djix F1

Salmon with Eye | Cyclamen mini Super Serie Djix F1
* In the Netherlands exclusive for selected growers

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