Cyclamen large Super Serie Vintro F1
Are you looking for a very late production of large-flowered Cyclamen persicum? Then Super Serie Vintro is the variety to consider. It flowers from January to late March and is therefore a real winter bloomer! Suitable for 12 to 16 cm pots.
- Best for cold and dark season cultivation
- Less sensitive to Botrytis
- Very large flowers
- Super trio large flowered: Leopardo, Mammoth NextGen and Vintro
- Potential to produce with low energy input, high quality output
Product specifications

Cold climate

Warm climate
Potsize Ø
12 - 14 cm
4,5 - 5,5" inch
14 - 16 cm
5,5 - 6" inch
Per m2 / Per Sq ft.
10 - 16 m2
1 - 1,75" sq ft.
14 - 16 m2
1,5 - 1,75" sq ft.
Sowing till flowering
30 - 32 weeks
31 - 35 weeks
Best for cultivation
Available colours
Cyclamen Super Serie Vintro F1


Cream White

Dark Violet

Neon Pink

Salmon Flamed

Red | Cyclamen large Super Serie Vintro F1

Cream White | Cyclamen large Super Serie Vintro F1

Dark Violet | Cyclamen large Super Serie Vintro F1

Neon Pink | Cyclamen large Super Serie Vintro F1

Salmon Flamed | Cyclamen large Super Serie Vintro F1

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