Cyclamen ‘Masako’ wins Top Product Showcase at MyPlantandGarden 2018

Cyclamen Masako, distributed by Schoneveld Breeding and grown by the Italian company Floricoltura Chiara, has won the Top Product Showcase at MyPlantandGarden 2018 in Milan. Masako has been crowned the winner because of the number of flowers, a very long shelf life and the unique shape of flowers compared to other Cyclamen. Masako is a double-flowered Cyclamen with a unique flower shape born from tissue culture.

About Masako

After many years of hard work Kanazawa, a Japanese breeder, has created this double-flowered Cyclamen. Schoneveld Breeding from the Netherlands has the exclusive distribution rights of this product in Europa. Schoneveld Breeding has entered into a partnership with Floricoltura Chiara, where they are engaged in the cultivation of Masako. Masako was launched commercially in 2017.

About Schoneveld Breeding

Schoneveld Breeding is a plant breeder from the Netherlands who is committed to introduce and market innovative, high quality flowering plants which can be cultivated with minimum environmental impact. With their genetics they aim for higher cultivation and market return throughout the chain.

Why the name: ‘Masako’

Schoneveld Breeding has chosen the name Masako, a Japanese girl’s name. And it is a well-known name, as it also adorns the Japanese crown princess. A beautiful tribute to the Japanese origin of this noteworthy cyclamen.

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