Peter van de Pol in greenhouse Gerbera jamesonii Joybera Peter van de Pol in greenhouse Gerbera jamesonii Joybera Peter van de Pol in greenhouse Gerbera jamesonii Joybera
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De X-tra value van Schoneveld Breeding

At Schoneveld Breeding we work for the entire supply chain, together with our partners in the chain. We are committed to creating added value by focusing on breeding flowering pot plants that can be grown sustainably and economically. From heat tolerance at DNA level to a longer shelf life on the consumer’s kitchen table, we plant X-tra value. Director Peter van de Pol explains how we do that.

“When I was young, I witnessed every day at the kitchen table just how tough things could be for my parents. They grew potatoes, among other things, and it became harder and harder to earn a good living and get more value out of a kilogram of potatoes. Now I know that things can be done differently. It is possible to create more value with breeding, so I have made it my mission to help as many growers and nurseries as possible through my seed breeding company.  I want to help them earn a good income, grow a sustainable crop and have a good future.


“Breeding is all about listening well and having the confidence to throw away. You have to make tough choices to get to the best solution our growers can use – even though you don’t yet know whether the problem will arise at all. Working intensively with partners throughout the supply chain gives us a broad view of what is happening. Coupled with the expertise of our breeders, this enables us to come up with the right answers at an early stage.

“Our seeds grow into floriferous, genetically compact pot plants with high ornamental value. In addition, we select strictly for traits such as heat, cold and moisture tolerance. We aim to breed products that are more sustainable to grow and therefore offer both economic and ecological added value. Sometimes we do things that little bit differently and lead the way in the industry with a range of innovations: for example, Schoneveld Breeding was the first breeder to launch the micro Cyclamen, and we delight retailers with unique products such as Illusia and the floriferous Gerbera Joybera.

“We supply seed with specific genetic traits. They require less labour, raw materials and energy to grow. At the same time, our products are able to withstand different climatic conditions. This means that growers incur lower costs for growing strong plants with a long shelf life. This way, all the partners in the supply chain benefit from the added value of our products, with good prospects for future generations.

Genetische kenmerken

“Our own production processes are also future proof: we use a closed water system, hybrid lighting and green energy. By doing so, we create sustainable and surprising genetic material with which we will still be offering added value in 100 years. We want to be an inspiration in our industry. Schoneveld Breeding makes the difference. We plant X-tra value.”

Sluinerweg 15
7384 SC Wilp the Netherlands

+31 571 27 17 17